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Creative Disruptor of Negative Thoughts...

Bringing JOY to others has been my mantra for years. In our World, we are sometimes subject to outside forces that try to control the people. A "Creative Disruptor" approach is to put a spotlight on those negative sources whose greed & manipulation of others create fear & oppression. Time to be free as God intended...

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First, start out with a large suitcase and stuff it with as much as you can and ship it to your destination. Our Cruise ship, the Viking Sun provided the shipment to the ship for free!

Our Home; The Viking Sun...

Next choose a medium size suitcase that will fit inside the BIG ONE. This suitcase is the one you will take on the journey as a checked bag:

Now for your "carry on"; be sure that it fits inside of the medium suitcase:

Finally, add a Back Pack for you travel on the plane goodies, and be sure that it fit's inside your carry on:

Finally for the GOOD NEWS! When you arrive to your ship or destination; you now can consolidate ALL these bags into the "BIG ONE" so you are not taking up the precious space in your Stateroom or Hotel room. Diana & I wish for you "HAPPY TRAILS"; and don't forget to offer all those beautiful smiles along the way...Hippie Bob

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The difference between the very bold (hero) and those untold (most of us) is a willingness to go beyond what is normal and into the magical realm of focused lunacy. Such was the first World Journey by Magellan and his crew of 42 hearty & brave souls, of which 18 survived to tell the story. Diana & I had the honor of boarding the replica of the original vessel that sailed into what is now known as the Strait of Magellan. Ferdinand's discovery of the straight gave him eternal notoriety although he had to be a bit of a nutcase to willingly be caught between a shit storm and a wall; navigating 40-50 foot seas in a rocky passageway. Diana & I will be forever in awe of this historical figure and are very happy to be navigating the Strait of Magellan with the very professional staff of the Viking Sun headed by Captain Lars. Floating on this beautiful ship with 900-ish very happy & blessed people. Sending our LOVE to all...

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Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina is the last city on earth at the southern tip of South America 600 miles from Antarctica. You might think that being both “Cold & Dark” may not exactly produce the type of comfort you may require; right?

Actually because of the oceans the temperature range is about 30 degrees to about the low 50’s year round. Winters produce about 6 hours of daylight at it’s slightest amount of sun. Our home town of Chicagoland has proven to be much more brutal than here at the “End of the World”!

Frankly, I must say that Ushuaia is the most beautiful area I have ever traveled to and it’s like Colorado’s Rocky Mountains with an Ocean.

The pictures tell the story better than I.


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